Can you use metamsk for all ERC20 access key?

At this point, the answer is “no”. Although Metamk has gained great popularity and is widely considered one of the best wallets of Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, it does not support all ERC-20 chips.

In this article, we will investigate why the Metamk is incompatible with certain ERC-20 tokens, will provide tips on how to use Weth (wrapped in Ethereum) with a Metamask wallet, and offer some storage recommendations and help you overcome these restrictions.

Why can’t I use all ERC-20 tokens with Metamask?

Metamask’s native support for ERC-20 tokens is limited for the following reasons:

  • Token Standardization : Most ERC-20 tokens are standardized using the ERC-20 token standard that describes the interface and structure of these tokens. However, not all chips meet this standard, resulting in compatibility problems with some wallets.
  • As the ERC-20 chips grow, the complexity of local support is also increased.
  • Security Problems : Using unreliable or unsupported tokens, you can pose a security risk to your wallet and for the entire Ethereum network.

How to use Weth with Metamask?

While the Metamk is not the ability to support all ERC-20 tokens naturally, you can still use Weth (wrapped in Ethereum) with your Metamask wallet. Here’s how:

  • Set a Weth wallet : You must have a separate Weth wallet that supports the ERC-20 standard. You can create this wallet using a Truffle Suite or other compatible tool.
  • This will allow you to communicate with Weth access key without needing it to your main Ethereum wallet.


Here is an example of how you can configure the Metamk for Weth:

  • Open a Metamask wallet on Rarkeby Testnet (or Mainnet).
  • Go to
    Settings >
    Advanced Settings


  • Add the following settings:

* ETH: Accounts": Specify an external provider as Weth

*ETH: Address”: Specify the Weth Treaty address (eg 0x …)

  • Save the changes.

storage and basic recommendations

To overcome these restrictions, you can investigate the following vaults and potential customers:


  • Truffle Suite is a set of libraries and tools that can help you interact with various blockchain platforms, including Metamask and Weth.
  • Weth Bridge Storage : The Weth Bridge storage is an easy way to interact with the Weth, without focusing on its Metamk wallet.


While Metamk is not compatible with all ERC-20 tokens, you can still use Weth (wrapped in Ethereum) with your Metamask wallet. By configuring the Metamk for Weth and using a third party service, such as The Weth Bridge, you can overcome these restrictions and continue using your favorite wallet on your desired blockchain platform.

I hope this article was helpful in dealing with your questions about Metamask and Weth’s compatibility!

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