
As a creator with the help of @solana/web3.js 2.0, you, verbathe, are the families with the method of gettransaction and his selected parameter “Coding”. In this state, we dissatisfied with how to answer the gettransaction with the tonized coding JSON.

Prank bases

Method of Gettransaction – This is the Call RPC, which is anxious to operate the operation, which can be used for the altercation of SPL (protocol of the Credit Solana) in the Tepi Solan Block. There is information about the operation on transaction, included instruction and parameters.

Propolzing coding jsonparsed you will determine that the operation of the operation should be analyzed in the format of JSON. This is a matter of work with the external libraries or the API in the Guide on the Dani Json in the eve.


To make the answer to the gettransaction on JSON, coded coding, you need to use the method of coding: Jsonparded Option.


Const {web3} = require ('@solana/web3.js');

Const {gettransaction, encodeinstruction, getacountinfo} = Require ('@Soolaa/Web3.js/API');

Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider ('

Const Account = 'Your_account_id';

Const Transactionamount = 1000000N; // 1 million salt

Web3 Account.get (



Coding: JsonParsed,

Cutting: [[


Accountid: Accountid,

Instruction: ['Creak', {TOKENADDRESS: 'Your_token_address'}],



Choose: Pravda,


) .The ((answer) => {

Const Transaction = Response.data;

Console.log (surgery); // Passtra gatted gettransaction


In this, we use the gettransaction method for the completion of the surgery with two instruction: to make and use the token. We translate the polish that wants to send out the medium, the identifier of the cuts, as well as the sadness, which they want to pat.

Coding JsonParsed indikes@solana/web3.js for the analysis of the surgery in the format json as a vozurat. This allows us to come up with the predatory instruction and their own.

Encodeinstruction with Uspolzing Instruction by Analysis

Works with Tipami Gettransations, you often need to analyze the instruction that is recalculated by the RPC Call. This can be used for the Encenesendject:


Const {encodeinstruction} = require ('@Soolana/Web3.js/API);

Web3 Account.get (



Coding: JsonParsed,

Cutting: [[

// ...


Choose: Pravda,


) .The ((answer) => {

Constructive = response.data;

for (instruction for instruction) {{{

Const Toxaddress = Instruction. Instruction [0] .Accountid.tostri ();

Console.log (With Uspolzing $ {TOKENDRESS} Token …);



In this, we use the encodeinstruction for the analysis of instruction on the use. We record the crate with the ideanifier with each token record that it was said that he was consumed in the surgery.


To get the eaten on Gettransaction with JSON, Solana codes, you need to reinforce the method of gettransaction and its selected “Coding” parameter. With this method you can analyze the answer on the format of JSON and unwillingly attach access to the adjunctive instruction. With@solana/web3.js, you can use the rustic operations for the creation of the smoking and replace the solana blockchain.

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