Ethereum: Questions with Binance API by using Python
As a developer, it is exciting to explore new APIs and commerce platforms, especially when dealing with cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum. At the same time, I encountered some problems while trying the Binance API American version without the Python external libraries.
In this article, I outline the challenges I face, offer solutions, and offer a solution to successfully facilitate the Binance API transactions.
- Authentication : Binance API requires authentication tokens that are usually obtained by Oauth flow or password-based authentication.
- API Keys : Each user has their own API key that must be replaced by the Binance API token (BEP20) before submitting commercial applications.
- Interest Restrictions : Binance API has a limit on the number of hourly requests that may limit the ability to exercise transactions.
Oauth flow
To overcome authentication problems with Oauth Flow:
PIP installation requests Oauthlib
- Make a customer ID and secret to Binance API for your application:
Client_id = ‘your_client_id’
client_secret = ‘your_client_secret’
- Create an Oauth service object with the customer ID, secret and redirection URI (which is
https: // return):
import requests
oauth_provider = oauthprovider (
Client_id = client_id,
client_secret = client_secret,
Redirect_uri = ‘https: //’
Redirect the user to the Oauth provider’s licensing URL
URL = oauth_provider.get_authorize_url ()
Manage the recall of Oauth provider
Def Authiventize_Callback (Code):
Replace your own code to manage a recall response
Make a trading request using the BeP20 API TOKEN (BP20)
Tray_request = {
‘Symbol’: ‘zeldt’,
‘Side’: ‘Buy’,
‘type’: ‘limit’
Answer = request.Post (
f’https: // symbol = {trade_request [“symbol”]} ‘,
Headers = {‘X-MBX-APIKEY’: Oauth_Provider.get_token (Code)}
Process the answer
using password-based authentication
To eliminate authentication problems with password-based authentication:
- Create a Binance API token (BP20) to apply:
import requests
api_token = ‘your_api_token’
- Submit a trading request with the help of BeP20 API token:
Tray_request = {
‘Symbol’: ‘zeldt’,
‘Side’: ‘Buy’,
‘type’: ‘limit’
Answer = request.Post (
f’https: // symbol = {trade_request [“symbol”]} ‘,
Process the answer
Speed limit and ratio restrictions are exceptions
To avoid speed limit errors:
- Prepare API requests in items to minimize the number of hours per hour.
It may be a challenge to make trade outside the Binance API, but there are ways to overcome these issues. Use Oauth Flow or password-based authentication and handling speed restrictions to successfully place trading on the US version of Binance API with Python. Don’t forget to replace the places with your own values.
More sources:
- [Binance API Documentation] (
- [Oauth Flow to Binance API] ( Documentation about Oauth Flow)
Note that this is not an exhaustive guide and consult the Binance API documentation and the “Requests” library documentation on the use of APIs.