Understanding the Bitcoin FundrawTransction
Order: Input Weights
When using the bitcoin core (btc) cli, eSpeciate the fundrawtransction 'command, probably try to add personalized entries to a transaction. However, when specific the
input_weights’ parameter, there seems to be a problem finding the correct wallet outputs.
What are the input weights?
Input Weights refer to the amounts of Bitcoin that can be paid as taxes for transactions Involving the Specificated Entries. This is crucial in creating personalized transactions in which only specific results from other programs are generated. The “input_weight” parameter allows you to specific these taxes, ensuring that your transaction has sufficient funds.
The Problem with the ‘FundrawRansction’ Order
When using FundrawTransction, exit is a Bitcoin transaction object, which includes Various Fields Such as Entrances',
Outputs and Tax. However, when looking for specific results from other programs in the wallet, you will usually find that only some of these exits are included. This is due to the fact that:
- only specific outputs are generated : If your program generates exits with a specific prefix or address, you will not see them in the “entertans” field.
- exits cannot be included due to wallet settings : your wallet configuration could Exclude certain outputs by default.
Finding The Correct Entries
TO Add Customized Entries to Your Transaction Using FundrawTransction
, You Will Need to:
- Create A New Transaction
: Use
Gettransction or SandrawTransction to create a New Empty Transaction.
- use theGettransctionByhasha method : Look for transactions that correspond to your desired addresses and amounts.
Once you have found the correct Entrance, you can use it by adding the appropriate exit to the transaction using the addoutput or addinput methods.
code for example
Here is an Example of how you can use FundrawRansction to addomized entries:
Bitcoin -Cli Gettransction -Pid
—The to
-Out << eof
In This Example,Gettransction is Used to Find the Transaction with a Specific Pid, Hash and Sender Address. The resulting exit contains the information needed to addomized entries.
Best practices
- Check your wallet settings : make sure your wallet configuration excludes unwanted outputs or addresses.
- Use Reliable Sources : Look for Transactions That Correspond To the Desired Output Addresses Using Tools Such As `Transaction or SandrawTransction.
- Test and Validate : Test your creation to make sure it meets your requirements.
Understanding the “input_weights” parameter, creating a new transaction, Finding the correct entertrances and Adding personalized outputs, you should be able to successful create bitcoin transactions with specific outputs generated by other programs in the wallet.
In this article, we explored the “fundrawtransction” order weight parameter and demonstrated how to use it to add personalized entries to bitcoin transactions. Understanding thesis concepts and implementing the best practices for finding correct contributions, you can create efficient and reliable bitcoin transactions, with specific outputs generated by other programs in the wallet.
Additional resources
- [Bitcoin Basic Documentation: Transaction Objects] (
- [Bitcoin Basic Documentation: Create A New Transaction] (