Sending Tron Transactions on the Ethereum Network Using Nethereum
Tron and Ethereum are two popular decentralized platforms that have gained a lot of attention in recent years. While they share some similarities, their architectures and use cases are very different. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to send transactions from a Tron wallet to an Ethereum wallet using the Nethereum library.
Understanding Tron Addresses
Tron addresses are unique 36-character strings that identify a user or organization on the Tron network. These addresses usually start with “TRC1” and follow the standard Ethereum address format. For example, “0x5A4dE6c8bBcd456aDcD9Ff6e7d9e6c”.
Converting Tron Addresses to Ethereum
To send transactions from a Tron wallet to an Ethereum wallet, we need to convert the Tron address to a compatible format. Nethereum provides an easy-to-use library for interacting with Tron and Ethereum wallets.
We will use the following conversion method:
- Convert the Tron address to a hexadecimal string.
- Encode the hexadecimal string using Base64 encoding.
- Decode the encoded string from Base64 back to a hexadecimal string that can be used as an Ethereum address.
Here are some Rust code examples that demonstrate this process:
use trontapi::Tron;
use nethereum::{Address, ether};
fn convert_tron_to_ethereum(tron_address: &str) -> String {
let tron = Tron::new();
let hex_string = tron.address_hex(tron_address);
let base64_encoded = tron.address_to_base64(hex_string);
let ethereum_address = base64_encoded
.expect("Failed to parse Base64 string into Ethereum address");
fn main() {
let tron_address = "0x5A4dE6c8bBcd456aDcD9Ff6e7d9e6c";
let ethereum_address = convert_tron_to_ethereum(tron_address);
println!(" Ethereum address: {}", ethereum_address);
Sending transactions from Tron to Ethereum using Nethereum
Now that we have an Ethereum-compatible Tron wallet address, we can use it to send transactions to the Ethereum network.
Here is an example of how you can modify the previous code to send a transaction:
use trontapi::Tron;
use nethereum::{Address, ether};
use std::env;
fn main() {
let env_path = std::env::var("TRON_ADDRESS").expect("Failed to get Tron address");
let tron_address = env_path.to_string();
println!("Tron address: {}", tron_address);
let ethereum_address = convert_tron_to_ethereum(tron_address);
println!(" Ethereum address: {}", ethereum_address);
let tx = Ether::new(ðereum_address, 10.0);
send_transaction(tx).expect("Failed to send transaction");
Send Transaction Function
The send_transaction function is part of the Nethereum library and handles sending transactions from Tron wallets.
use nethereum.core.transaction::{TransactionBuilder, TransactionResult};
use nethereum.core.trxtypes::Call;
use nethereum.core.util;
async fn send_transaction(tx: TransactionBuilder) -> Result {
let contract_address = "0x..."; // Replace with the Ethereum address of an Ethereum-compatible Tron wallet
let tx_hash = tx.hash();
let input = Call::new(
"function myFunction() { return Ether(100.0); }",
let output = Call::new(input, &[&"result"])
OK(TransactionResult {
hash: tx_hash,
inputs: input,
outputs: some(output),
In this article, we explored the possibilities of sending Tron transactions to Ethereum using Nethereum.